We’re Hanging On – Message from our Executive Director
The Westmoreland Historical Society is hanging on, as I hope you are, through this difficult time of uncertainty caused by the coronavirus. As a public service organization, we are very sensitive to the needs of our communities, so we are eager to follow national, state, and local recommendations to curb the impact of this pandemic. The Westmoreland History Education Center is closed until government officials say we can reopen. The staff has made adjustments, some working from home, others working reduced hours, all maintaining social distancing and the other procedures recommended by the Corona Task Force.
Education Coordinator Pam Curtin is working from home and preparing online tours, programs, and activities. Collections Manager Joanna Moyar is working on the backlog of donated items that have been waiting for attention and planning for the next exhibit. I have assumed clerical duties while the administrative assistant is laid off and am working on organizing the long-term storage of records. (Although we moved in enough to function in our new — and permanent – headquarters, some boxes were put aside for future attention.) We’re preparing the next issue of our magazine Westmoreland History, aided by a new editor, Jen Sopko – all working online.
Please visit our Facebook page regularly for information and special posts.
Exciting times are ahead for the Westmoreland Historical Society when the Corona trauma is under control. Our staff and committees are brimming with ideas for exhibits and programs. Thanks for your continued support!
Lisa Hays, Executive Director
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