Lefevre House Reconstruction Videos


While the last year presented many challenges for us all, we had moments to celebrate at the Westmoreland Historical Society, too. One successful project was the relocation and reconstruction of the Lefevre House to Historic Hanna’s Town.

Originally located in the Jeannette area, the house dates to the late 18th or early 19th century. Both the house and funds to reconstruct it were donated by Thelma Lefevre and her family.

Over the past year, the house was carefully taken apart and reconstructed at Historic Hanna’s Town, joining many other reconstructed buildings and structures that interpret early American history.

We have created four videos documenting the reassembly of the logs, the floor and roof reconstruction, the chinking and daubing between the logs, and the finishing details.

Many hard working construction crews and volunteers made the house come together so beautifully! Thank you for following along on this exciting journey.


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