Frontier Court Days 2021
Huzzah! We had a successful Frontier Court Days this year. After being on hiatus last year, we were grateful to welcome the community back to Historic Hanna's Town for our signature event. Frontier Court Days pays tribute to Hanna's Town as the first seat of government for Westmoreland County and...
Master Gardeners Create Dye Garden at Historic Hanna’s Town
We are proud to share that the Penn State Master Gardeners of Westmoreland County have developed the new Dye Garden at Historic Hanna's Town! The Master Gardeners, a group of volunteers who receive in-depth training in horticulture through Penn State Extension, developed this educational demonstration garden as a service project....
Opening Day at Historic Hanna’s Town
Huzzah! On May 1, Historic Hanna's Town opened for the 2021 season. We are so happy to welcome visitors back to discover the history of Westmoreland's first county seat. We hosted several guided tours of Historic Hanna's Town, which walk visitors through the development and significance of Hanna's Town, the...
Volunteers’ Hard Work Highlighted on Heritage Blog
Our volunteers make important contributions to preserving and sharing the history of Hanna's Town and Westmoreland County. Several of our volunteers have recently been featured on the blog for Westmoreland Heritage, which promotes historic sites and cultural organizations in Westmoreland County. Three of our volunteers were actively involved with reconstructing...
March for Parks 2021
Historic Hanna's Town was proud to participate in the annual March for Parks, coordinated by Westmoreland County Parks and Recreation Citizens Advisory Board. March for Parks is a fun event to raise money for new park and trail projects in Westmoreland County. Historic Hanna's Town was acquired by Westmoreland County Parks...
Hanna’s Town Featured in New Documentary
We are thrilled a new documentary about the lead-up to the American Revolution in western Pennsylvania has debuted on WQED Pittsburgh. Out of the Woods: Battlefields of Western Pennsylvania explores key moments in the French and Indian War that set the stage for the American Revolution. Many scenes were filmed at...
Lefevre House Reconstruction Videos
While the last year presented many challenges for us all, we had moments to celebrate at the Westmoreland Historical Society, too. One successful project was the relocation and reconstruction of the Lefevre House to Historic Hanna's Town. Originally located in the Jeannette area, the house dates to the late 18th...
“Christmas Memories” video
While you are nestled all snug in your bed for the holiday season, enjoy this video of our Christmas Memories exhibit! While the Education Center is currently closed, we will reopen on January 7 and the exhibit will have an extended run until January 16. The Education Center will begin...
“Christmas Memories” exhibit now open!
Step into the season with our newest exhibit, "Christmas Memories: 1939-1950." This special exhibition presents objects and vignettes that will bring back fond memories of Christmases from the ‘30s, ‘40s, and ‘50s. Enjoy vintage Christmas decorations, ornaments, toys, a holiday kitchen scene, a mantel with vintage stockings and cards, and...